Sunday, March 11, 2007

This sketch dissects the sweaters structure, and gives an idea of what I THINK it will look like when done। This is, of course, a long way off, as I haven't even
got the basic 8 inches done before I start the front and back decreases....
I got this pattern at a yard sale in Maine, while I was visiting my dad. There was a pile of old knitting mags. in a box, and one of them, this 1946 gem had LOTS of great looking patterns(and a few real howlers). My history with knitting seems somehow connected with these Maine visits: I started knitting in earnest after buying a copy of "Stitch 'n Bitch" at the Bangor airport, which had the book, oddly, sitting among self help books, christian lit. books and romances. In short, it was the only option. I read it on the plane and then started in on the Alien Head scarf as soon as I could get yarn and needles. It took me ages, as I had to keep re-starting...


Cheri Walton said...


David told me about this blog when he saw the sweater I made for myself on my blog. Check it out on I like the sketch of the sweater with the puffy sleeves. I wouldn't like the fitted bodice on me, but I think I could use the sleeves and neckline.................

I lost the address for your travel blog. Are you still keeping it? If so, what's the address? I liked reading it.

Cheri (alias Emma)

m said...

Hi Emma!
it's e-laboratory.blogger...
the sleeves are going to take a huge ammount of yarn I realize.
I may not have enough...
will look at your blog!
good to hear from you,