Thursday, September 30, 2010


So my first-ever published pattern has appeared on Knitty!
It's an exciting-but-strange sensation to see it up there, since I actually made and wrote the whole thing up quite a while ago...
David and Thom took these pictures in Maine in August. My original ones were shot in the Natural history museum in NYC, which made a terrific backdrop but required flash. I was upset because I had really liked the ones with the pterodactyl mural in the background and was really not sure WHAT I was going to find in coastal Maine in August that would be reminiscent of either "Deep Fall" or ancient reptiles.
The answer: caves.
on the shore line were these lovely, craggy red caves facing the sea.
So- I put on a jacket and gloves, Thom and David gamely got out the cameras and we trundled off to the shore. It was hot and wearing wool and leather was not much of a laugh, but I really lucked out. Both of them are wonderful photographers and I could not have asked for better images. I am not very comfortable in front of the camera and usually have to be surprised into a good photo, but candid shots often find me with my mouth awkwardly open or a crazed harassed look in my eye. They blithely evaded all of these hurdles to leave me where I am now: sitting pretty with my boa draped around my neck and nary a hair out of place!