Sunday, February 11, 2007


This blog is a place for all of my knitting projects...
I will be putting up images of various and sundry items I've made.
Currently I am working on a sweater from a pattern from 1948. It is either going to be very sexy, or like armour. The jury is still out on this one...
(I'm using a cotton-elastic yarn in a variagated grey pattern that is a delight to work with, but I've noticed the rib i'm getting is a bit stiffer and denser than I'd imagined.... hmmm...)

The other project in the pipes is an elaborate, multicoloured and metalic hand bag I'm calling "Gilded Lily". It is taking forever, largely due to indecision. I have however, found a lovely Venetian glass bauble to use as a faster for it...
pictures will be posted shortly!